Day 8

Today I worked on fine-tuning my screenplay. I worked a lot on figuring out how to format my screenplay correctly now that I have some writing down. However, I didn't realize how much editing must be completed. I met with my mentor today and we went over the finer details of screenplay writing. During the meeting, my mentor emphasized the importance of a clear and concise writing style in screenplays. We also talked about the importance of visual storytelling and how to effectively convey emotions and actions through concise and vivid descriptions. My mentor encouraged me to utilize strong visual imagery to engage the reader and evoke the desired emotions in the audience. Finally, my mentor stressed the importance of consistent tone and voice throughout the screenplay, as well as the significance of strong character development and well-defined goals and conflicts. Feeling inspired by the valuable feedback she provided, I returned to my work with a renewed focus and determination to polish my screenplay to its full potential.

Hours Today: 5 hours

(05/16/23 - 1:15)

Project Total: 12.5 hours left - 42.5 hours completed


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