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Day 14

Today was my last day. I worked on developing a clean screenplay for the presentation and I completed my essay. Following the conclusion of my essay I had fresh eyes to go over my screenplay with. My screenplay currently sits 10 pages which is 10 minutes of screen time. Unfortunately, the other 40 pages that I have written aren't ready for a polished screenplay. However, despite this, it is exciting to know I have a basis for the entire first section of the screenplay which will make it easier when I put the scenes into the polished version of the screenplay. Today I also started brainstorming ideas for the next sections. Thinking about how the story will progress, what conflicts and obstacles your characters will face, and how their arcs will evolve. This will help me create a roadmap for the rest of my screenplay and ensure a smooth transition from the completed section to the upcoming scenes. Hours Today: 4 hours (05/23/23 - 9:20am) Project Total: 0 hours left - 64.5 hours compl...

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